
Welcome to the online extension of our classroom. This forum is designed to serve as a forum for all English classes to continue those discussions begun during the school day. You will be able to share your observations, ask questions, and respond to classmates' comments in a way that is not confined to a single, 45-minute period. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Periods 6 & 7, Post 1: What Makes a Hero?

Hello, everybody!! Welcome to a new semester of blogging.

So far during this marking period, in Persepolis, we've seen Marji battle her preconceived notions of the makings of a hero, with respect to both her family and her friends' families. Therefore, I want you to examine your own preconceptions about heroism, and how they've changed as you've grown older. When you were little, who were your childhood heroes? Who are your heroes today? Why? How have your ideas about heroism changed over the years?

Your comments on this blog post will count as a homework assignment for the spring semester.


  1. Edwin Grullon

    I don't believe heroism is accurate, people achieve great things. People can stun you with their ability to triumph over odds that seem impossible. People are capable of heroic acts – self sacrifice on a scale that takes your breath away. But people aren’t heroes. People are people. They can’t be heroes 24 hours a day and it’s ridiculous to expect them to be that way. The only possible outcome of holding someone up as a flawless hero is crushing disappointment when they fail to live up to that ideal. And they will fail. Everybody stumbles at some stage. Everyone has their bad points. Sometimes a person held up as a hero has truly horrible failings.

  2. Keanu McFarlane

    In my eyes, a hero is someone you look up to or someone that'll protect you. When I was little, my heroes were the basic SUPERHEROES. Such as, Wonder woman, Supergirl, etc. Over the years that changed. Now my heroes are my grandfather & my mother. Without them I don't know where I would be..
