
Welcome to the online extension of our classroom. This forum is designed to serve as a forum for all English classes to continue those discussions begun during the school day. You will be able to share your observations, ask questions, and respond to classmates' comments in a way that is not confined to a single, 45-minute period. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Period 7 and 8: Monday's Class

On Monday, December 7th, I shall be chaperoning a trip to see Elektra at the Metropolitan Opera. Periods 7 and 8 will meet in the library. I shall leave work for you, and ATTENDANCE WILL BE TAKEN.

1 comment:

  1. So miss i dont get it . Where are the Homeworks or whatever you said we were going to find here ? Or is it what we did in the libary . . . Im confused
