
Welcome to the online extension of our classroom. This forum is designed to serve as a forum for all English classes to continue those discussions begun during the school day. You will be able to share your observations, ask questions, and respond to classmates' comments in a way that is not confined to a single, 45-minute period. Enjoy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Periods 6 & 7: The Effect of Previous Experience on Current Behavior

This week in The Bluest Eye, we've read how Pauline's and Cholly's respective experiences, as children and young adults, have helped to shape their adult personalities; the hardships they've endured have disillusioned and disheartened them, so that Pecola and Sammy bear the brunt of their bitterness and resentment.

This week, I'd like you to consider how, and why, past experiences have such a profound influence on your current beliefs and behavior. Describe one childhood experience that has shaped how you feel, what you think, or how you act. Explain why the event has had such a significant impact on you. How has this experience changed you?

Your response will count as a homework assignment for the third marking period.

1 comment:

  1. Edwin Grullon

    When I was in nursery school... I was passionately interested in technology. I would love to read lots of books about the radios, TVs, Phones and etc. I was as educated about such matters as a four-year-old could be.
    One day, I was arguing with friends about the TV. I said the TV was like a box with lights that make the images on the screen. They disagreed. Finally, I called a teacher over to help settle the matter. I KNEW I was right, so I was looking forward to the teacher vindicating me. We asked her what was inside the TV.

    She said, "No, the TV is just a radio with and the sounds from the radio would make the image on the screen." The teacher was beginning serious! She had seriously thought that was the way the TV worked...

    You could have knocked me over with a feather. My pride was hurt because I lost the argument, but that wasn't the main reason I was stunned. I still knew I was right, which meant the TEACHER was wrong. Not only was she wrong, she was ignorant about something I assumed was common knowledge.
    Before that, I hadn't known grown-ups could be wrong. This profoundly shaped the way I viewed people as I grew up. Whenever I heard anyone deifying another person, I thought -- and still think -- "that's silly." From that point on, I had no respect for authority. To earn my respect, you have to be smart or talented. I'll never respect you just because you happen to be in charge or have a degree.
