
Welcome to the online extension of our classroom. This forum is designed to serve as a forum for all English classes to continue those discussions begun during the school day. You will be able to share your observations, ask questions, and respond to classmates' comments in a way that is not confined to a single, 45-minute period. Enjoy!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Period 8, Post 2: Your "Heaven"

Hi, all. So, we've made it through two full weeks of classes, as well as the beginning of fall. Quite an accomplishment, don't you think? :-)

In our first whole-class text of the semester, The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold, the narrator, Susie, tells us what her version of heaven looks like, and how it reflects both the life on Earth that she's left behind, and what she misses or wishes she had.

I know that we're all very different, and have our own ideas about what happens after we die. However, let's put ourselves in Susie's place for a minute. Assuming what Susie tells us is real, what would your "heaven" look like? What places/things/people would be there? Where would your roads lead to?

Be sure to include your name, and to write in complete sentences. Pay attention to spelling and grammar.

This will count as a homework assignment for this marking period.

Periods 6 & 7, Post 2: Your "American Dream"

Hi, everybody. Congratulations on getting through your second full week of classes, and the first few days of fall!!

Our first whole-class text for the semester, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, deals with the theme of the "American Dream," and of "dreams deferred." What are your dreams for the future? What do you hope to accomplish with your life? What steps do you need to take to achieve these dreams?

In your comment, please make sure to include your name, and to write in complete sentences. Also, pay attention to spelling and grammar.

This will count as a homework assignment for this marking period.

Periods 1 & 2, Post 2: Your "American Dream"

Hey, guys. Congratulations on making it through your second full week of classes, and the first few days of fall.

Our first whole-class text, A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, talks a lot about the theme of the "American Dream," and of "dreams deferred." What are your dreams for the future? What do you want to accomplish with your life? What steps do you need to take to achieve these dreams?

Be sure to include your name, and to write in complete sentences. Pay attention to spelling and grammar.

This will count as a homework assignment for this marking period.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Period 8, Post 1: Introductions

Hi, guys. Welcome to the first blog post of the school year for our class!! :-)

Please introduce yourself to the class by commenting on this post. In your response, tell us your name, where you're from, what you like to do in your free time, and your favorite subject.

This will count as your second homework assignment for Marking Period 1.

Periods 6 & 7, Post 1: Introductions

Hi, everybody. Welcome to our first blog post of the school year!! :-)

Introduce yourself to the class by commenting on this post. In your comment, please tell us your name, where you're from, what you like to do in your free time, and your favorite subject.

This will count as your second homework assignment for Marking Period 1.

Periods 1 & 2, Post 1: Introductions

Hello, all. Welcome to the first blog post of the school year!! :-)

Please comment on this post, in order to introduce yourself to the class. Tell us your name, where you're from, what you like to do in your free time, and your favorite subject.

This will count as your second homework assignment for Marking Period 1.